As noted in our previous report, the task force which was led by the ministry’s Secretary-General, Azman Mohd Yusof asked TNG to come out with a follow-up plan that might be able to solve all the pain points faced by the public. The company was given a week to sort out the plan and here is what they came out with, according to KPDN:

Increase TNG card production rate from 2.68 million in 2022 to 3.5 million for 2023 Implement the “This Is Not TNG Card” in the Visa Card section of the TNG eWallet app which is meant to warn consumers about the card’s actual nature before they register for it. Submit an official request to e-commerce platforms, asking them to take down all TNG card sale listings by unauthorized sellers. Send official notice to distributors and retail partners as well as petrol station operators to ensure that they are selling the TNG card according to the official price and limit it to just one card for each customer. TnG card owners will receive a notification one month before their card is set to expire.

When it comes to the refund payment process, TNG is apparently still analysing it although the company insists that improvements will be implemented as soon as possible. Despite all that, KPDN doesn’t think that these moves were sufficient This browser does not support PDF embeds. Please Download PDF instead. Download though.

Hence, the ministry has dictated that the next engagement session with TNG will be focusing on having a much clearer follow-up plan, especially in terms of specific activities and implementation timeline.  At this junction, expect to see this back-and-forth movement between TNG and the authorities go on for quite some time.

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